Discover VRCMods
Born ago, embarked on a mission to streamline the creation, sharing, and usage of VRChat avatars. Fuelled by our community, we offer these services for free.
Our Discord InfoMeet the Team
Wish to connect? Step into our Discord realm or send a raven to [email protected]
The Approval Process
Every upload initiates a 30-minute live voting session on our Discord.
To maintain a safe environment, all uploaded files are scanned and validated, ensuring no viruses or spam slips through. Following this, our Discord's #the-court-house channel holds a vote to decide the file's fate. In case your file doesn't get approved, our staff is at your disposal to discuss the situation further.
Suggestions or Issues?
Feel free to reach out to our team via email or directly contact Seabug on Discord. We're always open to feedback and seeking new ways to enhance our site and community.