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Titanfall 2 Marvin / MRVN  Screenshot

1.8K Total Downloads

40.7K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


(Updates only apply to the file linked in the Readme.txt!)

-Added LODs to the FBX file.
-Added Scenes for LODs.
-Updated the main scene to be able to be used with VrChat. (>20k Polygons)

-made the Textures look a bit better.

-Fixed textures
-Added ambient occlusion texture
-Improved normal map

-Added emotes to display on the screen on Marvin's chest.
(Unfinished; looking for an efficient way to toggle them.)

-Texture fix (?)

A MRVN / Marvin Unit from Titanfall 2.
As always you will have to download the version with textures from the link in the Readme.txt file! (<--- Don't forget this step!)

If you have any questions or ideas for improvements. My Discord is: Sync1211 #3819
If you're interested in how I got the textures and models from the game, check out the tutorial I followed:

Titanfall 2 (c) Respawn Entertainment! I do not own any assets used to create this avatar!

Assets (2 files inside Unity Package)


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Oli_Parkour 1612787020 ago

how do i import this to blender

MrKnightKnight 1530764890 ago

@sync1211 cant wait to see it

sync1211 Author 1530632708 ago

@MrKnightKnight I've already finished the Stim pilot and I'm currently working on the Phase pilot.

MrKnightKnight 1530571433 ago

cant wait for the pilots

sync1211 Author 1522938131 ago

@INSERTNAMELOL I will start working on the pilots once I'm done with the titans.

INSERTNAMELOL 1522884781 ago

Is it at all possible you can upload some of the pilots?

sync1211 Author 1522000574 ago

@AngryNyak Actually I made most of them last week but finally decided to upload them even if they still have some issues

AngryNyak 1521997281 ago

second titanfall model in one day, awesome!


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