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lestery scuffed visemes masked thingy :3 Screenshot

5.3K Total Downloads

125.7K Total Views

Asset Type Clothing and Accessories

File Type Unity Package


sadly i havnt seen anyone made a visemes mask and post it here so i decided to post my scuffed one here cuz i took the initiative to learn how to make it and post it here for all those who wants to edit it and put their own texture (scuffed self drawn texture that looks actually pretty good) btw this is a mask from tda or mmd i dont remember XD


i didnt provide my texture cuz i made this for a friend and i dont want her to kill me when she sees someone else using the same mask XD
so have fun drawing ur own texture on gimp, photoshop or whatever good luck :3

the shader i used for this is the poiyomi master shader cuz its DOPE!!!!

youtube:] turtorial ish idk:

edit: just realized i messed up the packaging and brought in one of the texture that shouldnt be there so that should be gone now XD well since theres alot of downloads i might aswell make new texture for my friend so she doesnt kill me when she sees other people using that texture.

Assets (6 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/mask vrcmods/Mask 2/open.mat
/Assets/mask vrcmods/Mask 2/mask.mat
/Assets/mask vrcmods/Mask 2/oh.mat
/Assets/mask vrcmods/Mask 2/untitled.fbx
/Assets/mask vrcmods/Mask 2/mask1.png
/Assets/mask vrcmods/Mask 2/close.mat

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lestery Author 1555517124 ago

i mean like...... u can just re color the texture

DREAMS 1555450715 ago

Can you make a red one?

seabug 1547887826 ago

test test

Moshiro332 1547845010 ago

NLol Lel

Mids 1547773421 ago

So much hate for a hell raven

evilset 1547761574 ago

So much hate for a hell raven

Hell raven okuu 1547755908 ago

if you use master shader you're a retard


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