
Member for 1535147049

8 Posts & Comments

Blake447 1564598840

I can't say that I've thoroughly tested it with the Default (raymarched) version, so you may have to use the Lite one

Blake447 1564598787

Ninavor, Kind of. You'll see in all the water materials there is a texture field labeled "Water mask map" or "alpha mask". If I recall correctly, you feed in a black and white texture. Anything white becomes water, anything black becomes an edge. Replacing both of them and enable them through the sliders below them will cut the mask out from the water and allow it to bounce off the new edges

Blake447 1564556171

Jokerleon04, two planes of water requires further set up. Doing so would be easier with a little understanding of how it works, along with a bit of unity knowledge on cameras and rendertextures. On top of this it would be very performance heavy, and can cause some depth issues with the raymarching, so I actually discourage it. If you set it up to a toggle so that only one is active at any given time, that should solve the performance issue and make it work again anyway. VRCmods doesnt allow me enough characters to explain the setup

Blake447 1550567291

Yeah, if you need to contact me you can find it through the official VRChat discord or Quantums as well. Same username as on this site

Blake447 1547429950

You need to change the cubemap to the same one that your skybox is using, then the reflections should line up properly. The material water surface should have an option for that

Blake447 1535350306

Import a cubemap and apply it to the cubemap property for the water surface material. There is also a link to a google drive .zip version of the download that includes a readme in the description of the youtube video, since vrcmods only supports unity files.

Blake447 1535227730

That's my pretty much go to avatar lol. If you see one around and their tail and ears move back and forth, its most likely me