
Member for 1546969786

6 Posts & Comments

Cendrillon 1549027768

It's a blond boy wearing an orange cat hoodie and a madoka t-shirt. It's cute.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Cendrillon 1548148476

@yumax You have to use a modded sdk

Commented on unknown content 😴
Cendrillon 1547235066

So funny! More uploads like this, please!

Cendrillon 1546990038

I was having an issue with this avatar. I got this error when trying to Build & Publish on Unity: The following component types are found on the Avatar and will be removed by the client: MeshColliderI found out the Heart icon is causing it, so if you are having the same issue, you must select the Heart and remove the MeshCollider from it. :)
The skin is perfect, btw!