
Member for 1525123034

3 Posts & Comments

aestheticpotato 1525559841

Hey, I saw in your bio that you do suggestions. I really enjoy the model you created. But i was wondering if you could take these three MMD's and add the phone, knife eyetracking etc. Thank you and please reply.

aestheticpotato 1525199818

In unity there is a bunch of random files and i cant seem to find the correct file for the model it self

aestheticpotato 1525183514

This is a very nice skin for vrchat, ive ben watching whoops for a while now and couldn't find this skin anywere. I finally found it here but when i put it into unity 5.6.3p1 an i did all the steps correctly like ive been doing for other models but when i unzipped the skin so i can see it on the base it was all magenta, please fix this unless it is just a bug. Thank you