
Member for 1516767746

12 Posts & Comments

Asdfguy86 1532377317

Sure thing! I'll give it a go.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Asdfguy86 1530732955

finally a k-on modelthank you for this

Asdfguy86 1528408539

actual model or just a flat 2d thing? i would put an actual image of the model first

Asdfguy86 1526418580

strange, that's never happened to me in unity or in game...maybe its an eye tracking problem

Asdfguy86 1524194559

There is an existing Satania model on this site!'m not sure if the models are the same but I just want to point this out

Asdfguy86 1523680713

That's strange, for me I had none of those sort of issues. All I can say is to import the SDK, then Cubed Shaders, then the model. Make sure the X, Y, and Z position is at 0 for the model and set the scale for the X-Y-Z to like 0.4 or so.

Asdfguy86 1523183704

Cetrica, try importing Cubed Shaders and the VRChat SDK BEFORE importing the model. That might happen if you import the model first instead of cubed shaders. And if that still doesn't work, import the model in unity, go to the materials folder of the model, and set it to use the "Flat Lit Toon" shader.

Asdfguy86 1516767816

fix the pupils of the eyes and it will be perfect