
Member for 1547095938

6 Posts & Comments

Deltknight 1553899297

I'm having issues setting it up so I decided not to add them

Commented on unknown content 😴
Deltknight 1553634457

I'm looking to put this over a shader of a weapon I already have, what would I need to do to have multiple shaders on a piece?

Deltknight 1551301425

Thank you for making this avatar, although, I have issues with the Cubed Shaders and anyone else who does, I recommend the Poiyomi Toon Shaders

Deltknight 1550811089

Otherwise, Thank you for making this model, I've been looking for something like this

Deltknight 1550810327

I'd recommend making a folder that all the content fits into like most avatars as it makes it easier for us to work with and doesn't make a mess of our Unity Studios

Deltknight 1550679298

"Just a shader that me and a friend made Havee fun with it" < That's a quote from the description, it's saying that they uploaded it cause they mess with it, not that they created it. You shouldn't hate on it for being "stolen" if they didn't really make it but they wanted to reupload cause they enjoyed using it