
Member for 1568904717

14 Posts & Comments

InfernoDigital 1622816101

Made a menu icon for the dance, for those using this on Avatar 3.0 or later -

InfernoDigital 1596134105

Thinking about adding this shader to some ice crystals for a snow themed avatar. Will let you know how it turns out!

InfernoDigital 1595869774

Having trouble getting it to show up in emotes. I put it on a sphere and animated the sphere but it never shows up

InfernoDigital 1594350959

Did you take a look at the included instructions? If not, I'll see what I can do.

InfernoDigital 1594350877

It technically doesn't, there's a texture with some old microsoft windows on the actual model, but it doesn't show in the game. If you want something to show up, you can use ERROR's HUD shader, though.

InfernoDigital 1569721379

@FlamkekIr that was kinda the point, ye ^w^

InfernoDigital 1569536081

Space Chickens > Space Puppies

InfernoDigital 1569535871

What is with all of these pages having the Abuse game's cover art?

InfernoDigital 1569029814

The previous fix also allows rotation animations on the pets, something that previously broke.

InfernoDigital 1569021384

the only problem I'm getting now is anyone rotation of the avatar's pet, whether by animation or just the dynamic bones, skews the scale of the pet, so it looks wonky temporarily (til it stops moving). the only solution to this is to make an empty game object at the location you want the pet, then have the pet sit at the root of the avatar with a fixed joint connecting it to aa rigid body on the empty you created. This fixed the scaling problem.

InfernoDigital 1569015911

Scratch that! Turns out the dynamic bone limiter just breaks this. Turn off the limiter in performance options and it should work like a charm again (have yet to test this out on the prefab specifically, but it worked on my own tests)

InfernoDigital 1568904787

seems something's broken this prefab as of a recent update. works wonderfully in Unity but does nothing when in VRC. Sad, I had a great plan for this. Hope this gets an update, it's super useful!