
Member for 1552157223

3 Posts & Comments

Commented on unknown content 😴
JuansTheName 1588383382

This is cursed

Commented on unknown content 😴
JuansTheName 1555704354

Might I say this entire argument was an entertaining read. Magze being a crybaby because someone put "their" model up on another website is hilarious.

JuansTheName 1553795478

I know this is old but I was able to edit the mesh on the model to make the wings actually look like wings and adding bones to them to allow for dynamic bones on both the wings and tail. Some pics: http://prntscr.com/n49pbv http://prntscr.com/n49pll
If anyone is still interested in trying out the model (and maybe favoriting it ;P), my name is "JuansTheName" on VRChat.