
Member for 1539304834

5 Posts & Comments

KrowzerOfLight 1545569542

For reals. I've been using Blenders ruler, or the vague idea that a cube in Unity is about 1 meter. This will make life so much easier. Thank you.

KrowzerOfLight 1545208107

There is some work that needs to be done with this model still.

KrowzerOfLight 1543525296

The only thing I don't see in here, is any animations, or a controller. Assuming that the coin particle is supposed to play on an animation, since it's by default not visible.

KrowzerOfLight 1542028545

Super rad hat. Though I feel you should mention that it's 26k polys. Not that anyone doesn't use the modded sdk, but still.

Commented on unknown content 😴
KrowzerOfLight 1540986317

It's just an anime girl my dude. As long as it doesn't look like a child, it's not wired. Cause going with technically age gets weird fast. Mitsukai Zakuro is technically nine years old, but as the body of a full grown women and all be it for the sake of comedy, the mind of a young adult.
Kanna Kamui is technically hundreds of years old, with the body of a kid, and the as for her mental age, they seem to let on that shes just pretending to act child like.
Though both of these are non-human, and Kanna is stated to be a kid in dragon standards too. Regardless, one of these I'm fine with a lewd version exciting, the other is some creepy pedo shit.