
Member for 1544632139

9 Posts & Comments

NeuroticMei 1619322516

Ling Ling is an actual Chinese name that is still in use. Hell it's even the name of a place in China. So no it's not racist. It's only racist if you make it racist. Which only says something about you.

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NeuroticMei 1572382253

the joke was on you

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NeuroticMei 1572379541

unity asset store

NeuroticMei 1571262093

but erp is a social event

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NeuroticMei 1568802748

Ah I found out it was because it doesn't actually change the world skybox but an actual circle skybox that covers the area you build in. I was having issues because the skybox I wanted to use was 6 sided and not cubemap. I could probably still use the one I wanted but I've only just created my first world so I'm still figuring things out. This helps a lot though if only to just teach me how to do stuff like this.

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NeuroticMei 1568774664

I can't seem to get the changing skyboxes to work. I did remove the skybox from lighting settings as well.

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NeuroticMei 1568238025

I feel like this belongs on a model that doesn't have an up skirt.

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NeuroticMei 1565592187

good model