
Member for 1554546726

4 Posts & Comments

Tagzz 1554548130

So just because a man who was shot in ww1, healed, became a member of a club and became a power of the Western front with mental and medical issues, doesn't mean "He" and/or the country alone is corresponding to this said symbol. As of today, it's not even allowed in the country, nor his name (Last and First). Educate yourselves first. Educate yourself before you sound ignorant in something you learn in school

Tagzz 1554548070

It was known to be on the middle part of The Buddha's chest on many arts and statues throughout the East. Also, understand that history changes how we reprieve things in the future.

Tagzz 1554548010

And other countries in Europe started to take to the shape as well. The symbol in the East was to represent the sign of "Peace" or "Balance" and so have you, But did mean other things in relative meanings.

Tagzz 1554547950

As a past Buddhist, I'd like to explain that this symbol has been around for centuries in the East cultures and the Germanic cultures hadn't picked it up til later on in the 3rd-Century.