
Member for 1562107760

4 Posts & Comments

Replied to a comment on unknown content 😴
TeitokuIppan 1577039900


Replied to a comment on unknown content 😴
TeitokuIppan 1577039691

but you are braindead ¯\_(?)_/¯ sorry to hurt your 12 year old feelings

Commented on unknown content 😴
TeitokuIppan 1577022523

Do the judges have severe brain damage to approve this?

TeitokuIppan 1565808118

104k polys is a bit nuts for a model like this. The razorblade part needs some work as the top and bottom of it is just one giant n-gon on the wireframe and you have a ton of unnecessary polygons in the clip part and the handle itself. You also have 8 materials at work on something that could easily just be one material, especially if the entire thing is made out of one texture. As it stands currently, the model is not feasible to bring into VRChat at all. You should aim to create a much lower poly version of this along with making everything use 1 material since you only have 1 texture and then use this high poly model to bake onto the low poly model.