
Member for 1585955620

4 Posts & Comments

ThatGuy1 1585956656

I have no idea how to change this so that its just the eye part (you might have already guess I'm new to this), therefore I was wondering if you could help me? (Maybe just getting an older version of blender might help? but i'd thought I'd ask)

ThatGuy1 1585956641

However when it comes to the eyes... i have no idea how to apply that, I'm assuming i use the face texture again? or whatever the emission texture is? as they both have an eye texture on them, however it applies the whole face texture to the eye...

ThatGuy1 1585956617

So I've got to apply textures myself (the ones in the textures folder you provide) and hope that I'm putting them in the right place, such as the body texture for the body (and hands?), face texture for the face, etc...

ThatGuy1 1585956593

Wondering if you can help me out here, So, I've opened this in Blender version 2.82 and there are no textures applied (and the previous texture are now gone? I've read it might have something to do with the new version of Blender)...