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3 Posts & Comments

trusty 1528025597

this gave me 2 virus

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trusty 1516944084


Commented on unknown content 😴
trusty 1516943841

Let me start by saying I have exquisite taste when it comes to gaming. So I played this Half-Lifes because it's so called "the best game ever created" BUT couldn't finish it because it's so bad. Why all the praise?? The audio quality sounds like it's coming from my HitClips, level design is blocky I feel like I'm in Minecraft which is a better game, story is basically written by 10 year old elementary students, and the graphics are ass...yeah talk about "best game ever created". The zombies are really stupid too. Where are their ExoSuits? Call of Duty invented the zombie creature years ago in World At War. They perfected their copyrighted enemy type in Advanced Warfare when they revolutionized the zombie by giving it an ExoSuit. Now that's what is talented character writing. Maybe take a cue, Valve? It is beyond me why anyone would prefer the Half-Lifes head lobster. Next, where are my supply drops? I played a couple hours and didn't receive not one loot crate... And another failure on Valve's part is not including emotes/taunts. How am I supposed to dab on those head lobsters? CoD knows how to appeal to us, the younger and more dominant market. At least Valve nodded to my generation by including a fidget spinner in the opening titles. (P.S. #ClassOf2022 we out here!!! LESGEDDIT). Would've been nice if they let us actually use the damn spinner while I was pulling my hair out on that long ass floating bus ride in the first level. Where is the steering wheel for that bus anyway? And how the hell is it just floating in the air without an ExoSuit? Lol stupid devs. At least Ghostemane Freeman gets an ExoSuit in the initial level. But why can't I customize the ugly orange Exo? In conclusion, Half-Lifes is an old game and I'd think that the graphics would have had a chance to develop and evolve by now.