Scorch your victims with ease.
This asset comes with either Write defaults on or off depending on which FX controller you decide to merge.
This is significant because if your avatar is made with Write defaults ON in its gesture animations, importing the package that has it off can mess
with your gestures and they will get stuck.
You need to go in and check if your avatar has it on or off beforehand and install the the package that fits with your avatar then.
You can check by going to your avatars animation layers, clicking an animation box and seeing if Write defaults is checked on or off.
If you are either too lazy to check/still lost/have no one to ask because you do not know how, just install the one with write defaults on. It should work fine.
**Trouble Shooting FAQ**
--- "The laser won't show up at all ingame"
Ensure the asset is actually on your avatars hierarchy, not the scene hierarchy which is not uploaded with the avatar
--- "The asset will not animate correctly"
This may be caused by a masking layer in your avatars FX layer list.
If you have an animation layer at the top of the list marked with an "M" for masking, it may be negatively affecting
new animations below it.
To fix this, drag the animation layers for the revolver above the masking layer
--- "my gestures seem to get stuck ever since I added the asset"
You likely accidentally merged the FX package with the wrong WD setting.
For example, if your avatar uses Write Defaults On for its animations, but you merged
the one with write defaults off, it can negatively affect your face gestures.
--- "Avatar 3.0 manager does not show up even after installing it"
This seems to happen with some of the newest versions of it, try installing the 2.0.6 version instead
---"The installed asset is extremely small or extremely large"
If your avatars scale is something else than 1, then the
installed asset might be vastly different size, try and ensure your avatars default scale is 1
Assets (19 files inside Unity Package)
/Assets/Laser Eyes/LaserFX WD_OFF.controller
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Laser Eyes.prefab
/Assets/Laser Eyes/LaserParam.asset
/Assets/Laser Eyes/LaserFX WD_ON.controller
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Sounds/LaserSound.mp3
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Prefabs/Laser.prefab
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/Eye Lenseflare.mat
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/spark2.png
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/LenseflareFlat2.png
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/Spark 1.mat
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/Trail.mat
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/Laser.mat
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/lense flare 1.png
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/lightningCONE2.png
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/Spark.mat
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Particles/laser.png
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Animations/LaserEnabled.anim
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Animations/LaserShooting.anim
/Assets/Laser Eyes/Animations/LaserOff.anim