Hi guys and gals! This is a Draling, a creature of my own creation. This is a first of a few in a series that I'm
starting called the base series. It will be a collection of odd creatures that have the bare basics for a model.
body, bones, human rig, swishy tail, and some fbx to correct some errors if you find any. Pretty much I want to give you guys something different to use, something unique and knew. This creature and the others after it will be your stepping stone to making something strange and fun! Please take it and make it freaky or pleasant, horrific or cute!
It's in your hands my dears.
This folder contains the unity model with a human rig, bones, moving tail, and starter materials to color the model with.
Feel free to add your own! it also has the body, tail, breasts,and thorn (claw) to fix or add on the to creature. hell give it
three heads if you like :D breasts are removable to make a boy :D
Now understand that this model is my first attempt so there may be some issues with it and I'm sorry. I'm still learning :3
And if all possible please send me images of what you came up with. I would like to post it on my gallery, with your name on it of course,
and show off what you've done!
This model was made possible because of several awesome people who took the time to sit down and teach me what to do!
Ty so much Cargham, Program, Scen, and Bonedaddy. Ty ty ty ty ty!
Assets (34 files inside Unity Package)
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/OPEN THIS FILE!!.unity
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Female part/Boobs.avi.fbx
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Body base/DralingT-Pose.fbx
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Body base/DragonTail.fbx
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Body base/thorn.fbx
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Shader/StarNest (Screen Space).shader
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Dab.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Bubbletop1.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/work bitch_vmd.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Snake.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Macarena.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Can Can.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Twist Dance.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Dancing Twerk.anim
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Animations/Draling Dances.overrideController
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material 4.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material 2.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material 5.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material 6.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material 1.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/New Material 3.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/Materials/(null).mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/PMD Material.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/PMD Material with Outline Transparent.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/PMD Material Transparent.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/PMD Material with Outline.mat
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Toons/toon.png
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Shaders/MeshPmdMaterialOutline.shader
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Shaders/MeshPmdMaterial.shader
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Shaders/MeshPmdMaterialOutline-Trans.shader
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Shaders/MeshPmdMaterialSurface.cginc
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Shaders/MeshPmdMaterial-Trans.shader
/Assets/My Creatures/Draling/PMDMaterial/Shaders/MeshPmdMaterialVertFrag.cginc