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Sarah (Dynamic Bones, Lip Sync, 6 Facial Expressions) Screenshot Sarah (Dynamic Bones, Lip Sync, 6 Facial Expressions) Screenshot Sarah (Dynamic Bones, Lip Sync, 6 Facial Expressions) Screenshot Sarah (Dynamic Bones, Lip Sync, 6 Facial Expressions) Screenshot Sarah (Dynamic Bones, Lip Sync, 6 Facial Expressions) Screenshot

12.5K Total Downloads

308.9K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


48k Polygons
Has Dynamic Bones, Lip Sync, Facial Expressions, and Emotes.

Dynamic Bones

Cubed Shaders (Version 0.24)

VRCSDK - Make sure you have the newest SDK! (Unity version: 2017.4.15f1 ONLY)
Under the download section of the VRChat website.

(This video shows you how to do everything past step one! 2 minutes long:
1. Make sure you download Dynamic Bones, Cubed Shaders, and the Modded VRCSDK then import them into Unity.
2. Download and import the Sarah unity package. (Make sure the first step is done FIRST.)
3. Open the Sarah scene located within the folder.
4. Upload and enjoy!

Shift + F2 or Fist: Angry
Shift + F4 or Finger point: Smug
Shift + F5 or Peace sign: Wink
Shift + F6 or Rock n' roll: Lewd
Shift + F7 or Handgun: Sad
Shift + F8 or Thumbs Up: Smile

NEED HELP?: - Here's my server!
Don't be afraid to use the #avatar-help channel or message me if you have any issues!

I also do commissions as well, so join the server and send me a message if you're interested!

I took a bunch of random parts and slapped them on a model, ask me if you want to know where a specific part of the model was from.

Succubus Girls:

Ron the Cat Girl:

Assets (48 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Sarah/Gestures/Sarah Override.overrideController
/Assets/Sarah/Gestures/School Girl Sarah (1).controller
/Assets/Sarah/Gestures/School Girl Sarah (1) 1.controller
/Assets/Sarah/Materials/ears tail.mat
/Assets/Sarah/Materials/inside of ear.mat

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ReiNasako 1536518001 ago

how do we get it into blender to change outfit and such

ReiNasako 1536616054 ago

Where also is the base model and hair plus cat ears from

tirru Author 1533224332 ago

@LightStarShooter Read the description

LightStarShooter 1533190447 ago

well, I cannot upload it you suppose to put the polygons down to 10k or to 20k.

GetofFenris 1532617223 ago

48k Polygons Unity will not let me upload...blinder will not import. How do I fix this?

Starsalign 1531342319 ago

Really nice model! I just have one question about the shoes. Since they are shapekey, where can I access them?

tirru Author 1529988655 ago

@pinkshoo The shoes are shapekey.

pinkshoo 1529983796 ago

I have the same issue as KuroMajo. I know how to import the file into Unity. I thought that she has no shoes, but found out that it hid inside of her feet and the size of the shoes are shrunk down. How can I pull up to the outside world? (I checked the fbx file in Maya and it looks everything is fine)

tirru Author 1529684125 ago

@Kuro I hid the shoes in the scene file, so that means you’re doing something wrong. Watch the tutorial video on the website.

KuroMajo 1529678495 ago

the shoes are inside her feet, how do i fix this?

tirru Author 1529305818 ago

@sushi She does, but it's a bit wonky. You can enable the eyes in Unity and see how weird they are sometimes. You also can edit the facial expressions to your liking in Unity, but talking in-game + using facial expressions probably isn't the best idea because clipping will happen.

sushi hime 1529304121 ago

this is one of my fave models, but I didn't see that she has blink is that easy to do. also, the lower jaw sticks through the skin in certain facial emotes

tirru Author 1529279913 ago

@Mario It's the last version.@T3KA OwO

T3KA 1529232737 ago


MarioKart7z 1529222785 ago

Is the modded SDK based on the latest version of the official SDK?

xcynicism 1529125546 ago

@tirru, It was because I was using the latest VRChat SDK with modified config, had to use the older one.

Weso2222222222222 1529119862 ago

Good job on this skin

tirru Author 1529118759 ago

@imlisa Nope!

imlisa 1529118043 ago

i get banned if i upload it to my vr acc? bc it has too many polygons

tirru Author 1529089476 ago

@xcynicism Add my discord in the description.

tirru Author 1529053825 ago

@Wallow Fixed! Sorry about that.

AbelHybrid 1529053121 ago

Upload Dante From Devil May Cry Please

Wallow 1529052870 ago

Empty scene...


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