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Ittoki Otoya Casual (Read Description) Screenshot Ittoki Otoya Casual (Read Description) Screenshot

3.9K Total Downloads

94.9K Total Views

Asset Type Models and Props

File Type Unity Package


What's up my dudes!!1

I hope you like this avatar, now your gonna get all the traps in the game xD

And yes, the avatar is under 20k poly and good to GO! ;)

I didn't make this avatar, the original owner is ZKArti (DeviantArt) ? Special thanks to her <3 <3

Add me -SYNKRO-

Brexit means Brexit

Link to the original source:

Assets (30 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Project/Avatar 3D.unity
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/hair2.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/color.bmp
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Otoya.pmx
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/clothes.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/outfit.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/necklaace.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/toon_skin.bmp
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/red.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/toon_defo.bmp
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Texture2D/xddd.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Texture2D/10012_JinM_col3_D.tga
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Texture2D/10012_JinM_Col4_D.tga
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Texture2D/10012_JinM_Col1_D.tga
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Texture2D/10012_JinM_Col2_D.tga
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/Texture2D/new outfit.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/tx/Arms.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/tx/Legs.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/tx/Body.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/tx/otoyaface.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/tx/Face.png
/Assets/Project/Ittoki Otoya/tx/taitof.png

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Ho0ty 1554737399 ago

Gotta put it into blender, install cats plugin, then join the meshes.

KrispyGod 1535654378 ago


Taiii 1533308854 ago

I love this model and im gonna be using it as my main guy. And to get the textures to work, just change the shader on the pieces of the model

kok0 1532617364 ago

nope don't see a fix yet

RedTail 1532468776 ago

Running into the same problem @karika86 is. says no blueprint, anyone find a solution?

kok0 1532144321 ago

currently uploading but to fix color problem, just go on everything under ataya, and if you see a shader that is pink change the shader type to 'standard' to fix the error

Tommmy 1531891698 ago

the textures dont show up when I put it in unity, the avatar is just purple?

Karika86 1531725126 ago

This shit wont even upload...after you upload it in unity go on vrchat its not there


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