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Kirby - Escargoon Screenshot Kirby - Escargoon Screenshot Kirby - Escargoon Screenshot

200 Total Downloads

7K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Here's Escargoon from Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Hope you enjoy!

~Update 1 - Added blinking to the avatar. Changed his facial appearance too.~
~Update 2 - Added more detail to his lip sync animation.

*Credit to Nintendo for creating the slimy snail, as well as SAB64 for making the model.*
*Load the scene file located in the avatar's folder in Unity.*

The Cubed Shaders package will be required for this.

Assets (45 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Escargoon/Thee Snail.unity
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/The Worm.anim
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/CustomOverrideEmpty 1.overrideController
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/Dab #1.anim
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/Hip Hop Dancing 2.anim
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/Hip Hop Dancing.anim
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/Smug Laugh.anim
/Assets/Escargoon/Animations/Chicken Dance.anim

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TheDman131 1555605269 ago

Hey Escgargoon?
what your majesty?

that monster over there is gonna DDD Die ehahahahahahahaha!

Hilarious your highness...

AyyyRay78 Author 1533196454 ago

Also, who wouldn't want to be this beautiful, gorgeous snail in a virtual game like VRChat. I know I would

AyyyRay78 Author 1533196126 ago

Haha! The design from the cartoon doesn't seem to be too bad in my opinion. But I will update this avatar's appearance soon. Basically, I'll make him look angry like he did in the show, and add blinking too

RealityRogue 1533191929 ago

Sweet jesus haha. the character design of this creature is already terrible but now its a 3D model and its horrendous

RealityRogue 1533191923 ago

Sweet jesus haha. the character design of this creature is already terrible but now its a 3D model and its horrendous

AyyyRay78 Author 1532561526 ago

Embrace it

Nameless Woomy 1532554680 ago



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