58K Polygons
Dynamic Bones
https://bit.ly/2OwsEHm Cubed Shaders (Version 0.25)
https://bit.ly/2mYiUsV VRCSDK - Make sure you have the newest SDK! (Unity version: 2017.4.15f1 ONLY)
Under the download section of the VRChat website.
(This video shows you how to do everything past step one! 2 minutes long:
1. Make sure you download Dynamic Bones, Cubed Shaders, and the Modded VRCSDK then import them into Unity.
2. Download and import the Maid Miko unity package. (Make sure the first step is done FIRST.)
3. Open the Miko the Maid scene located within the folder.
4. Upload and enjoy!
Shift + F2 or Fist: >< face + Awoo
Shift + F4 or Finger point: Smug + Heheheh
Shift + F5 or Peace sign: Wink + Punyuu
Shift + F6 or Rock n' roll: Excited + Welcome Home
Shift + F7 or Handgun: Resting + Purr
Shift + F8 or Thumbs Up: Smile + Wanwan
https://discordapp.com/invite/hFSNnsr - Here's my server!
Don't be afraid to use the #avatar-help channel or message me if you have any issues!
I also do commissions as well, so join the server and send me a message if you're interested!
Ooka Miko, Sharo Kirima
I would appreciate if you didn't put this in your avatar worlds (unless you edit the model of course!)
Thank you!
Succubus Girls:
https://vrcmods.com/item/1542-Succubus-Girls-v2- Ron the Cat Girl:
Assets (71 files inside Unity Package)
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Miko the Maid.unity
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/transparent.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/maid 1.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/nekomimi.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/eyes4.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex003.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex001.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex004.tga
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tail2.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/body2.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/hair07.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex006.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex002.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/body.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/underpants.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/hair9.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex005.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/maid.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/same6.jpg
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/eyes3.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/Kindly don't take credit!.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Textures/tex004.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/FBX/Sharo Miko v7.fbx
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tex004.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/body.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tex001.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/New Material.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/hair07.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/Material.003.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/eyes.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/underpants.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tex001.png
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tex004.tga
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/hair9.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/transparent.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/maid.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/Blush.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tail.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tears.002.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/Don't take credit
thank you.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/tex002.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/Ears.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/face.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/nekomimi.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/Material.007.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Materials/Material.005.mat
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/tailwag.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/ButtTail2.controller
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/maidmikofist.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/maidmikornr.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/blinktailears.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/maidmikogun.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/maidmikovv.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/maidmikotup.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/mikomaidpoint.anim
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Miko Maid.overrideController
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Daisuki2.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/wanwan_01.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/welcome2.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/daisuki_01.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/15. Welcome.mp3
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Heheheh.mp3
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Punyuu2.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Awoo2.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/66. Punyuu.mp3
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/wanwan2.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Heheheh2.wav
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Cat_Purring.ogg
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/45. Giggle.mp3
/Assets/Miko the Maid/Facial Expressions/Sounds/Awooo.mp3