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Booette (Custom model w/ Dynamic Bones, Gesture Animations) Screenshot Booette (Custom model w/ Dynamic Bones, Gesture Animations) Screenshot Booette (Custom model w/ Dynamic Bones, Gesture Animations) Screenshot

4K Total Downloads

97.6K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


--This model has dynamic bones, so it's recommended to have dynamic bones imported as well.

Model is 40060 polys
Comes with 3 Gesture Animations
Regular Boos not included

This model comes with, and uses a NoeNoe overlay shader, so don't panic if the model doesn't look like it's shaded properly when you load it in unity. It looks fine in-game.
If you feel like it, you can go ahead and switch to the CubedParadox shader yourself. But that has to be imported and done by yourself.

Model by Me (Pierce)
Base by TDA
Hair by AkiraHyakuya
Dress by Lineko Kagamine
Super Crown by ShadorX (We respect you, buddy. <3.)
Gem and Earrings by Coldblast & Elewana
Face texture(s) by UtauRueCross
Shaders by NoeNoe (thanks m8. u do gud.)
If I missed any other credits, lemme know and I'll try my best to get that sorted out.

Assets (33 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/HERE/HERE AGAIN.unity
/Assets/HERE/NoeNoe Overlay Shader/NoeNoe Overlay Shader (Opaque).shader
/Assets/HERE/NoeNoe Overlay Shader/Textures/noenoe_toon_ramp.png

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Pierce Author 1554265973 ago

Thanks for the compliments. You don't need to worry about it being uploaded long ago, as I still get alerts for it, and are still capable of making stuff.The one I would be most interested in trying to make (if I ever had the motivation to do it again) would probably be the Piranha Plantette, as it has another specific trait that I really like in all the -ette's that have it.

TropicalBat101 1554202044 ago

Amazing looking model! I know you made/uploaded this ages ago but, how do you feel about playing around with making Daisette & or a Rosalette models? Or even a Goombette or Piranha Plantette if you want to get really creative in their models? There's heaps of fan art out there of all of these 'ettes and your model design (and everyone else who contributed on this model) made it turn out great! Can't find anyone else who's uploaded 'ette models that are as unique and characterized as yours :)
Also, I am commenting on both your models for increased chance of you seeing this

GreenHeartDemon 1540985448 ago

@velvex Nobody cares about polygon limit. 99% who upload avatars bypasses that limit. The limit is just bs anyways.

velvex 1540712865 ago

why do people like you add avatars here that are [not allowed] in vrchat what i mean is over 20k poly's is a ToS Violation which will lead to a ban if found useing the avatar in a vrchat world

NamelessRen 1539145112 ago

its just looks very huh... blocky

NamelessRen 1539144402 ago

Any links where i can download the original MMD and Decimated myself

NigroManncer 1538624594 ago

if anyone has the "too many polygons" error, you can just either decimate the model, or use a modified SDK

CSP 1538405235 ago

can you link the exact base model pls

CSP 1538403246 ago

i've got 1 question tho. why is the chest area gone

FriedIceCream 1538380507 ago

I can't upload it, says it has too many polygons.

PGRoss 1538361345 ago

Model has too many polygons, I can not upload it

Pierce Author 1538277791 ago

@Irobot, I do have a new Chompette model up for download on this website as of a few hours ago. Enjoy.

Irobot 1538271333 ago

lol u should make more queens , they look very nice

Crimson Renegade 1538148479 ago

You are a godsend my dude, yesterday I was wondering when someone would make a Boo-ette avatar, I search on the website Boosette and no results, then I search Boo and nothing in particular, then I look at the front page and the first avatar I see is Boo-ette made 4 hours ago, that made my day.

CSP 1538147396 ago


DanteInfernow 1538132901 ago

@snarggeThe Booette was actually based as a normal Boo using the Super Crown to turn back into a human, not the Queen Boo.. But it's understandable that now she's kind of a Queen since she got that crown now..

snargge 1538102194 ago

Its queen boo you egg! Also thanks for the upload.


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