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Miko Ooka Screenshot

10.4K Total Downloads

252.8K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Some vocaloid, tiny thing with a tail. Working eyes, mouth, colliders and dynabones. Optimized with Atlas'd textures so poly count don't matter. Enjoi

Assets (11 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Shaders/Flat Lit Toon.shader
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonInspector.cs
/Assets/Models/MikoOok/MikuOok 1.fbx

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Kendaar 1551000936 ago


Red134 1532052225 ago

link to original model please I want the original to work with

VEXIK 1530451893 ago

It would be good to see Avoo Version some day.

Kagachi377 1522185598 ago

Could you, or anyone, perhaps upload the hooded version but without atlas'd textures?

Atomic Storm 1517864829 ago

@heppyface Then make it yourself like I have. This site is a great place but it’s when people don’t learn it for themselves and get all this without work is teaching nothing good. It takes away from it being unique when hundreds have it as well. This is all opinion but I think people need to also learn for themselves and not be beggers

heppyface 1517841821 ago

It would be nice To have the hooded version aswell but not with 1 whole mesh

ggqf Author 1517171399 ago

@lordvortexian, click the tab next to the Game tab you're seeing. "Scene"

lordvortexian 1517168531 ago

mine says that there is no camera to display ? any help ?

MapleCookis 1517069896 ago

i cant get this to work for me none of the textures will importy correctly any fixes?

ggqf Author 1517018827 ago

All eye tracking is currently bugged for VRChat, whenever they fix it then it will function properly. All my models are setup for eye tracking and mouth movement (assuming the model allows for that). 1/26/2018

nigelwei0417 1516971786 ago

@ggqf Nvm.Btw, does this model have eyetracking?

ggqf Author 1516950021 ago

The rainbow version you speak of was made by changing the Shaders, idk the exact process as I have messed with it myself but it might be the Rainbow shader in the Cubeds shader Render option. @nigelwei0417 Which part? This model has zero decimation, I no longer use the decimate modifier so all my models are as close to original quality as possible.

nigelwei0417 1516948948 ago

I think that it is made by the players themselves.I mean they transform the default ver into what they want

brooklyn 1516948485 ago

do any of you, by any chance, know where i can find the derpy rainbow version of this

Atomic Storm 1516941289 ago

In game it looks great, physics and collision are nice! Thanks @ggqf

Atomic Storm 1516940953 ago

Maybe I will have to watch more tutorials but some tutorials don't explain it enough into getting a finger action to whatever like a gun or type of face

Atomic Storm 1516940816 ago

I am not advanced in all of that and get confused. I can get past the blender part simple enough its with dynamic bones and adding all that which trips me

nigelwei0417 1516940753 ago

How about you make it yourself? There are a lot of tutorial including face animation and adding weapons.

Atomic Storm 1516940583 ago

I do wish someone could make face animations, maybe a gun and all that to the character. That'd be nice

nigelwei0417 1516940505 ago

I think its decimation is too much. Its detail is not good.

Atomic Storm 1516940463 ago

Cubed Shaders did not import correctly and I had to import it but other than that small thing worked fine

Atomic Storm 1516939855 ago

Yes thank god, I have been waiting for this one! Thanks


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