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Exile Miku (FullBody, 41k Polys) Screenshot

1.4K Total Downloads

32.9K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Exile Miku

*Dynamic Bones.
*Poiyomi Shader.
-With blinking and scrolling emissions.
-Trail renders on the feet.
*Full override set.

Open Hand: Happy face with blush.
Finger Point: Surprised face.
Hand Gun: Smirk.
RocknRoll: Lewd face.
Thumb ups: Worried face.
Victory: Chill cat face.

Model scene is already setup, just open the package and everything will be loaded.
-You will need a modified SDK to upload this avatar seeing it is over 20k polys.

Any questions or problems, feel free to join my discord to ask.

** If you are getting a pink avatar when importing the package, Make sure you have the Polyomi shader imported. It's included in the package. If not here is the direct link to it on VRCMODS. **

Assets (59 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Exile Miku/Exlium Miku.fbx
/Assets/Exile Miku/Exile Miku.unity
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/PoiyomiDissolve.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/LICENSE
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/PoiyomiSkinFunc.tga
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/PoiyomiToonFunc.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/PoiyomiMetalFunc.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/Transparent/PoiyomiMaster.shader
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/Editor/PoiMaster.cs
/Assets/Exile Miku/PoiShaders 1/MasterShader/Opaque/PoiyomiMaster.shader
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/t003.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/h-.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/body00_MikuAp.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/body00_MikuApaa Emissions.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/toon_hair.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/body01_MikuAp.tga
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/toon_skin.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/hair.tga
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/toon11.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/toon_defo.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/FaceMikuAPZZZZZ Emissions.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/body0xx.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/body00_MikuApaa.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/toon0z7.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/hair Emissions.tga
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/FaceMikuAPZZZZZ Tattoo.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/FaceMikuAPZZZZZ2.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/t002.bmp
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/body02_MikuAp.tga
/Assets/Exile Miku/Textures/FaceMikuAPZZZZZ.png
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/RocknRoll.anim
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/Animation Override Exile.overrideController
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/ThumbsUp.anim
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/OpenHand.anim
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/Handgun.anim
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/FingerPoint.anim
/Assets/Exile Miku/Animations 1/Victory.anim
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/ReadMe.txt
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Demo/Demo1.unity
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Demo/c1.fbx
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Demo/tail.FBX
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Demo/DynamicBoneDemo1.cs
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBoneColliderBase.cs
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBone.cs
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBonePlaneCollider.cs
/Assets/Exile Miku/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBoneCollider.cs
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/body01.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/body00_MikuApaa.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/Trail Material.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/hair.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/body0xx.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/com.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/FaceMikuAPZZZZZ1.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/Black.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/skin.008.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/FaceMikuAPZZZZZ.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/skin.006.mat
/Assets/Exile Miku/Materials/face_MikuAp.mat

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Adjerry91 1548458610 ago

Dynamic bones did not import properly but easy to fix. Beautiful skin with the Poiyomi shader.

Lemonbread 1543395088 ago

Where can I get a working modded sdk

roidrage492 1542643449 ago

double click on the exile miku file to load it in then click on miku on the top left go to body then on the far right change the pink shaders to standerd should fix your issues.


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