THIS SHADER HAS BEEN UPDATED: Standard is honestly one of the most complex, impressive shaders Unity has to offer.
It is the gold-standard for lighting accurately and efficiently.
The main downside to using standard is that VRChat world lighting is often not optimal for Standard shader to shine.
Specular highlights don't work in baked light and reflections don't work without a probe.
I've taken it upon myself to fix that.
This is a literal hack for Standard shader that adds VRChat world specific features like simulated light and reflection fall-back.
I've added a few quality of life features as well but for the most part it is literally standard shader. All standard shader assets were acquired through Unity at Here is a short video and photo album of its features Feature list:
All Standard features are fully functional
Toon light settings
Specular and Metalic workflow support
Adjustable lighting
Simulated light direction for lighting in baked light worlds with no real-time lights
Reflection options.
If "Use Reflection Probe" is checked but there is no probe in the world the shader will reflect the Fallback Cubemap that you set
If "Use Reflection Probe" is disabled the shader will always reflect your Fallback Cubemap
Color multiplied detail texture for selective coloring
I mean it's more or less just standard :v)
For any issues contact me on discord: Rero#9097
Assets (14 files inside Unity Package)