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[OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot [OLD]ReroStandard. A Standard shader hack for VRChat Screenshot

1.4K Total Downloads

35.5K Total Views

Asset Type Shaders

File Type Unity Package


Standard is honestly one of the most complex, impressive shaders Unity has to offer.
It is the gold-standard for lighting accurately and efficiently.
The main downside to using standard is that VRChat world lighting is often not optimal for Standard shader to shine.
Specular highlights don't work in baked light and reflections don't work without a probe.

I've taken it upon myself to fix that.

This is a literal hack for Standard shader that adds VRChat world specific features like simulated light and reflection fall-back.
I've added a few quality of life features as well but for the most part it is literally standard shader. All standard shader assets were acquired through Unity at

Here is a short video and photo album of its features

Feature list:
All Standard features are fully functional
Toon light settings
Specular and Metalic workflow support
Adjustable lighting
Simulated light direction for lighting in baked light worlds with no real-time lights

Reflection options.
If "Use Reflection Probe" is checked but there is no probe in the world the shader will reflect the Fallback Cubemap that you set
If "Use Reflection Probe" is disabled the shader will always reflect your Fallback Cubemap

Color multiplied detail texture for selective coloring
I mean it's more or less just standard :v)

For any issues contact me on discord: Rero#9097

Assets (14 files inside Unity Package)


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RetroGEO Author 1552524204 ago

Updated to include a metalic/gloss (Standard Default) variant. Can be found as "Rero Standard" with no workflow type in the name.

RetroGEO Author 1552489293 ago

Updated to allow modification of metalic/roughness values even when the textures are present.

RetroGEO Author 1552375087 ago

Updated to use BRDF1 disney diffuse instead of minimalist CookTorrance BRDF2

RetroGEO Author 1552166982 ago

After some interesting interactions with how reflections are handled I've pushed a change that dims the reflections based on avg world light intensity.

imscared 1552099192 ago

I am at peace now

OneVoltTen 1552021161 ago

Nice job looking forward to trying this out!

RetroGEO Author 1552020759 ago

Added the ability to tint the shadows. I've found a lot of baked light worlds to have very boring white or grey ambient lighting so this would allow you to still stylize your shadows there.

RetroGEO Author 1552014203 ago

Glad to hear it ^^Thanks for checking out the shader it took a surprising amount of time to get working right

MrBalrog 1552013942 ago

Yeah that fixed it for me, nice ^^

RetroGEO Author 1552012599 ago

Pushed an update that may fix the oddity. Not sure though. The way the ramp is being handled has changed from previous iterations to more accurately represent Standard's lighting model so saturation may be from that. I'll have to do more testing with more environments to know for sure.

RetroGEO Author 1552011701 ago

I'll look into it.

MrBalrog 1552002559 ago

Thanks for update, but it somehow made everything look a bit saturated and worse?Before After
No settings were changed

RetroGEO Author 1551990960 ago

Fixed a bug where the lighting ramp was not showing up in mirrors.Side note: I fucking hate mirrors.

dongle 1551958753 ago

Crazy cool model there, did you make it or is it available for download somewhere?

MrBalrog 1551945827 ago

You are a saint my dude.

RetroGEO Author 1551932437 ago

Haha I do get a lot of requests for the half-mask ^^'

DanteInfernow 1551930142 ago

How many of us hoped the model was the thing being uploaded before reading the title.. Lord do I love that Half-Mask
That's a really interesting Shader and would most certainly come in handy with the current lighting of VRC, nice work

rollthered 1551918856 ago

This man is doing god's work.


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