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Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot Coconut (Full Body, 5 Gestures) Screenshot

5.1K Total Downloads

117.6K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


The wait is finally over
Dynamic bones and cubed shaders required
Fingerpoint: Blush
Handgun: Tongue out
Rocknroll: Cry
Thumbsup: Stare
Victory: I _ I

Eye tracking and viscemes too
Have fun

My discord:

Assets (39 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Shaders/Flat Lite Toon/Flat Lit Toon.shader
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToon/FlatLitToonInspector.cs
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonLite/FlatLitToonLiteInspector.cs
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonLite/FlatLitToonLiteCutoutInspector.cs
/Assets/Coconut/Expressions/Tongue out.anim

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Jennifur68 1557019727 ago

When I loaded the model into Unity the legs and breasts, I'm assuming the body as well, don't seem to have a smoothing group applied so they appear blocky because you can see the poly edges. I'd try to fix it in Blender but I just can't use Blender, I've tried several times but I'm just too used to using 3DS Max to wrap my brain around Blenders weirdness.

CheinSojang Author 1552435158 ago

I have Chocola and Vanilla planned

EPONAS 1552427372 ago

Will you be making the other nekopara girls in the future?

DivineDOT 1552261900 ago


Eagle 1552258212 ago

More titties


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