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Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot Kemono Foxes (Full Body, 3 Gestures all) Screenshot

2.8K Total Downloads

67.8K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Cubed shaders and dynamic bones required
Expressions (all 3):
Fingerpoint: Smile
Handgun: Stare
Rocknroll: Hearts

Viscemes and eye tracking too
Have fun
Note: It has a scene, just won't upload with upload type as avatar for some reason

My discord:

Assets (166 files inside Unity Package)

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/Assets/Kemono Foxes/Silver Fox/Materials/はあと目.mat
/Assets/Kemono Foxes/Expressions/Smile.anim
/Assets/Kemono Foxes/Expressions/Stare.anim
/Assets/Kemono Foxes/Expressions/Kemono Foxes.overrideController
/Assets/Kemono Foxes/Expressions/Hearts.anim
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Shaders/Flat Lite Toon/Flat Lit Toon.shader
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToon/FlatLitToonInspector.cs
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonLite/FlatLitToonLiteInspector.cs
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonLite/FlatLitToonLiteCutoutInspector.cs

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Momiji Awoo Overlord 1557434320 ago

generictdatrash, assuming what you said isnt supposed to be ironic, demihumans arent furries, furries are full anthro animals, demihumans generally just have animal ears and/or tails, also if you dont like it then you dont have to get it so stop being a dirtbag

OMG Riley 1555120416 ago

If we started deleting the models that the original creators said not to use in vrchat, half of this website would be gone, lul.

Momiji Awoo Overlord 1557433963 ago

generictdatrash, assuming what you said isnt supposed to be ironic, demihumans arent furries, furries are full anthro animals, demihumans generally just have animal ears and/or tails, also if you dont like it then you dont have to get it so stop being a dirtbag

bobilly89 1555219228 ago

I wish I could use this but i'm stuck in my dads basement

generictdatrash 1555193755 ago

another generic furry garbage shit

Afilia 1555178287 ago

How about reading the Readme then, lul.

CheinSojang Author 1555123044 ago


PlushyDash 1555122817 ago

is this full body ready?

TheLeadZombie 1555117555 ago

Quit sucking dick you fags, suck it up and get the dildos out of your asses. It was posted on a public forum so its fair game.

Clyde 1555116001 ago

I'd rather have these uploaded to the site since it'll be free for public use and ruin the people who are trying to sell it.

CheinSojang Author 1555115913 ago

I credited and it did not say they are not allowed for vrchat use.

generic anime girl 1555114664 ago

Unless the original modeler said that you could use it, I'm pretty sure you can't redistribute this model to the public. Maybe it would have been best advised where you told people to download it, instead of making a whole pack for them. Reminder that these models were never meant for VRCHAT and for MMD. This person had already taken down and refused to put their other models up for DL due to problems like these, and the reselling of it as well.

Afilia 1555093757 ago

1. Do not re-distribute this Model Data.Good Job another one of the People that are the Reason why the Downloads got pulled and Password locked.


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