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Check Mate Luka Screenshot

1.8K Total Downloads

42.6K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


The eyes might a bit weird due to high amount of decimation. If you're okay with that then feel free to download it :D

Assets (98 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/luka/Open Me.unity
/Assets/luka/Materials/Material 30.mat
/Assets/luka/Materials/Material 31.mat

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sonictouhoufan 1561728634 ago

can you do Check Mate miku?

DanteInfernow 1518081405 ago

@Accelerator,there are actually multiple textures of same parts, so you have to choose which one you want through some modifications in Unity before uploading the model

Accelerator 1518059985 ago

Yo, what the hell happened to the textures?

DanteInfernow 1517791377 ago

ok, corrected the problem that made it bugged (was a file that got modified..)but your textures are not working correctly, I had to select them myself in order to have the character fully textured


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