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Namaste 1337 - All We Have Is Now Screenshot

1.4K Total Downloads

34.1K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


I'm starting to implement my apparel designs in VRCHAT for all to enjoy and share.

This is a project I've been working on since November, it's been alot of hard work and persistence.
I'll be releasing more and more cool clothing in VR for all to enjoy! <3

Guaranteed 20%+ immersion per piece of clothing.
Everything is exclusive and made-to-order.

I love all of you guys and VR and VRCHAT has saved my life.
Base Avatar from : ItsLiberty

Get the hoodie:


Assets (112 files inside Unity Package)

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ghost 1567627942 ago

ey when u speek the vizems on the teeth arnt set right can u fix?

BarsFromMars 1565029254 ago

Ah, yes. A new addition to the Void Club oxygen exchanger club.

ItsLiberty 1558996532 ago

No need to downvote him show him some love

ItsLiberty 1558996451 ago

Looks great keep up the nice work buddy! Don't stop!

Nigword1337 1558752086 ago

Nice plug lmao.

Nigword1337 1558750664 ago

Nice plug lmao

SuuKool Author 1558581301 ago

Did you really make the design? I had this as my wallpaper before VRC, it's from tumblr. There was no author so I figured since it was already use on Emo Len, and on Redbubble since 2016 with no author it's pretty much royalty free.

Jesus. This was my first test avatar as a package. The next one I will have made straight from base. No reused texturing. I just wanted to get my t-shirt hoodie design out there and offer the pants design because it looks cool.
So where's the proof this is your pants texture?

indecysive 1558514090 ago

Nice job copying and or stealing my pants texture.

indecysive 1558513971 ago

Looks a lot like my pants texture. Please tell me where you got those.

606 1558494424 ago

even know you took the face tats lmfao

SuuKool Author 1558488574 ago

Btw Emo Len was made from another base which can be found here:

SuuKool Author 1558487103 ago

Hey so just so you guys have a little background, I lose someone from suicide that has Bipolar Depression like I do, I started the clothing brand right after, for alternative clothing/ anime / nerdy stuff. I know I didn't make the base model but I'm learning how to use Blender right now so the next avatars I'll have coming out will be much more unique and original. It took me a couple months to figure out how to map my textures correctly. I've had this idea to do clothing in VR and IRL for a while now and am trying my hardest to make it happen ASAP.

bitty 1558485527 ago

o god

606 1558484278 ago

@MonkeySquirts yes it is lmao

MonkeySquirts 1558483590 ago

is this a joke

SuuKool Author 1558481271 ago

I didn't make the base MMD, but I made the clothing on the avatar.

606 1558472363 ago

That avatar, is from ItsLiberty, You just took off the ears I see what you did there ;)


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