Visit our world: K&K's Cyber City
https://discord.gg/F795QBc It's kind of cool looking if you like cyberpunk and have a PC from this decade.
You can add me in-game by looking up Kat. I'll generally be wearing this model right now.
Movement Previews:
https://gyazo.com/536f9506de62e0e373c3deded0f2bf18 https://gyazo.com/0b9d8f3de84ee6408aeb3a20a80ac536 The package should come fully set up essentially. Everything you need besides an SDK is included in the scene called "Kitty Kat (VRCMods)". Import an SDK into your brand new project, once you import an SDK you can import this package into the project. After that, just drag and drop the aforementioned scene into your hierarchy and you should be good to go.
Everything from the neck down on this model was put together by myself about a year ago so that I could match a friend's model because he'd lost the files for it.
I put a significant amount of work (for early 2018) into the clothes and the meshes were worked on quite a bit.
Everything from the neck up was "remastered" recently because I forgot how much I loved this little cat girl.
Made quite a few new blend shapes for her so there are many options for gesture creation besides the gestures that I created and included.
She's got 2 different ear options and a hidden hat that can be revealed by swapping materials.
Top can be removed by swapping materials as well, if you're into that kind of thing.
Feel free to add me on Discord if you have any questions or requests.
Assets (56 files inside Unity Package)
/Assets/Kitty Kat (VRCMods).unity
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Audio/Purr.mp3
/Assets/Kitty Kat/DynamicBone/Demo/DynamicBoneDemo1.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBoneColliderBase.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBone.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBonePlaneCollider.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/DynamicBone/Scripts/DynamicBoneCollider.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Prefabs and FBXs/Fullbody Cat 2.prefab
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Prefabs and FBXs/Kitty V1.fbx
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Prefabs and FBXs/Catgirl 2019 3.fbx
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyasadd.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyasit (idle).anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyahiya.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyahyayy.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nya (sit).overrideController
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/Frontflip.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/Kitty Blink.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyaohhh.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyasit.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyagrrr.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nyayeaa.anim
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/Body 1.controller
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Animations/nya.overrideController
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Shaders/PoiShaders/PoiyomiToonShader/PoiyomiToonRamp.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Shaders/PoiShaders/PoiyomiToonShader/PoiyomiToonShader.shader
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Shaders/PoiShaders/PoiyomiToonShader/PoiyomiToonTransparent.shader
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Shaders/PoiShaders/PoiyomiToonShader/Editor/PoiToon.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Shaders/PoiShaders/PoiyomiToonShader/Editor/PoiToonOutline.cs
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Ears 2.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Face.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Skin.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kittycat Shorts.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kittycat Ribbons.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Hair Ribbon.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Hair.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Emotions 2.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Shorts.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Eyes.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Hat.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Eye Whites.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Ears 1.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Skin.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Emotions.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/White Kitty Ears.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Blush.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Eye.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kittycat Sleeves.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Skin Filler.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Pink Kitty Hair.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Invisible.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Better Blush.png
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Piercings.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kittycat Clothes.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kittycat Hair Ribbon.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Emotions.mat
/Assets/Kitty Kat/Materials and Textures/Kitty Face.mat