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Elsword Mastermind Screenshot

2.5K Total Downloads

61.7K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Some dude from Elsword, has floaty things behind him. His left eye glows in the dark. Dynamic bones on his coat, hair, and crystals. Working Vismes, Working Eyes, Working Blinking. Tons of materials but it's really low poly so that means nothing. If you get pink texture errors then you need to have Cubeds Shaders installed. Credit to DarknessMagician and KOG for original model.

Assets (48 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Shaders/Flat Lit Toon.shader
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonInspector.cs
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/magician (1).controller
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/magician.fbx
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/CustomOverrideEmpty.overrideController
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Blink.anim
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/darkMaster.unity
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_UpbodyA.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/facetex6.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/fac.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_Lowbody.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/fac.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/face6.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/face10.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Base_Hair.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/BODYS3.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_Weapon.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/facetex6.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/face10.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_Foot.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/facetex1.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/eye4.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_Lowbody.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Base_Hair.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/eye3.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/facetex2.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/eye3.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_Foot.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_hand.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Brown.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_hand.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_UpbodyA.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/face6.PNG
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_Weapon.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Brown.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/default_TDA.png
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_UpbodyB.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/Mesh_ADD_AMM_Cash_UpbodyB.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/facetex2.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/BODYS3.tga
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/facetex1.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/eye4.mat
/Assets/Models/Darkness Mastermind/Materials/default_TDA.mat

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Hik 1544657598 ago

i dont found this avatar in my assets

kok0 1537915567 ago

real ones in chat

The5Moon 1519713605 ago

The avatar is amazing but it seems like the lips don't work is there a solution anyone knows about ?

Drakeos 1518241302 ago

Hand's need to be fixed and hoping to see some custom animation/emotes in future :)

Radelos 1518127662 ago

The body mesh was still not attached xD but after adding it manually it worked all fine. NOW MY FAV skin, thanks a lot :)

theycallmehaz 1518124210 ago

@radelos @ggqf done, lovely, thanks

ggqf Author 1518119576 ago

Model has been updated so now it should include the Visme's already selected

ggqf Author 1518119476 ago

Hi, if you have issues with vismes then on the right side on Avatar Descriptor, look for lip sync, click the drop down and select Visme Blend Shape, for Face Mesh select the first Body, then the rest should auto fill, if it doesn't then select from each dropdown the matching Visme. Tah Dah

Radelos 1518115657 ago

you can upload the model with all things if you add the missing body mesh under VRC_Avatar Descriptor But the Lipsinc does not work for me still.

theycallmehaz 1518113974 ago

^ same me too have same problem, can someone help =

Radelos 1518102483 ago

Had an error when uploading. Avatar uses Vesemes but the Face Mesh is not specified. Cant fix it myself am pretty new at this xD learned importing and base work for models with animating them inside of 24h so am beat up to do more research. Can someone take a look on it?

TheUnknownM 1518096777 ago

This avatar is too good.

Frame2345 1518089294 ago

the best avatar i guess. Love it <3

TengenHorder 1518089220 ago

Looks how it should(that's a compliment btw, not trying to be mean)

hdshizuma 1518089031 ago

Nice work. +1 and downloaded

LucianoFMA 1518084646 ago

It looks very cool OwO


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