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Raphtalia's Sword Screenshot Raphtalia's Sword Screenshot Raphtalia's Sword Screenshot Raphtalia's Sword Screenshot

2K Total Downloads

48.3K Total Views

Asset Type Models and Props

File Type Unity Package


Raphtalia's sword from the Rising of Shield Hero anime.
Made from scratch in blender as part of my modelling practice.

I have only used standard shaders in unity so it obviously doesnt look as good in the project as it does on sketchfab, unfortunately you may need to do some shader or material tweaking to get it to look however you want.

The standard shader is a bit unruly so I kind of gave up on making it look pretty but let me know if you guys are having trouble with other shaders!

As always I am available for comissions for weapons or items, I am always looking for more projects to practice with.

Contact me on discord if it's wonky, I havent slept much so I could have easily missed something blatantly obvious.


Assets (18 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Shield Hero Sword Combined.fbx
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Sheath (PREFAB).prefab
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Wall.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Annotation 2019-08-19 225453.png
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Raphtalia's Blade.unity
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Raphtalia's Sword (PREFAB).prefab
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Floor.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Textures/scratches.png
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Textures/Handle_Bottom_Base_Color.png
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Gold.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Handle Bottom.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Blade main.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Dark Leather.001.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Handle Detail.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Blade Detail.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Blade Outer.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Gold ring.mat
/Assets/Raphtalia's blade/Materials/Yellow.001.mat

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Jordangerouss Author 1569724384 ago

@Thorn12 that's odd, no one else seems to have that issue. DM me on discord and we can sort it out

Thorn12 1569715699 ago

When I download it from vrcmods I only get a file called Raptalia' that I can't open in unity

Djpgirl 1567703258 ago

Beautiful ?

Jordangerouss Author 1566630417 ago

Thank you! I have only seen one good one and it costs like $250 - $300 so I don't think anyone is about to share it anytime soon. If I were better with humanoids, I'd make one for sure

YeetusTheFetus 1566619532 ago

Great model, but when is someone gonna make a Naofumi model? Its been months and nobody has posted one on here.

Rezendal 1566524971 ago

Creators mostly slap in a Sketchfab link when uploading, proves their creations~

Jordangerouss Author 1566519327 ago

@zennshi Yeah I spent quite a bit of time on it

Zennshi 1566518851 ago

I checked sketchfab to see if this was a rip, but... you are the actual creator from the looks of it :o

Jordangerouss Author 1566269034 ago

@sunflowervalkyrie DM me on discord and I can send you the blend file or the unity file directly

Jordangerouss Author 1566268988 ago

has anyone else had problems like @sunflowervalkyrie?

Jordangerouss Author 1566268960 ago

The polys are a little high due to the round bit around the guard. I couldnt find a way to make it look accurate but still be low in polys. Im considering remaking that part at some point.

The Anime God 1566265852 ago

good model but has lots of polygons.

SunflowerValkyrie 1566260812 ago

but i cant seem to open it. it keeps saying unable to decompress?

SunflowerValkyrie 1566250528 ago

absolutely beautiful sword!!

Rockst4rz 1566237682 ago


NeganVR 1566230454 ago



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