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Chii Aruel (Advancement) | SoulWorker Screenshot Chii Aruel (Advancement) | SoulWorker Screenshot

2.4K Total Downloads

57.2K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Chii Aruel, from the game SoulWorker by Lion Games.

- Extracted and formatted for MMD use by Relamel
- - (
- Converted from PMX to FBX via Blender
- Decimated to <20k tris (18803)
- Bone count: 73
- Patched up holes left by decimation, fixed UV map issues
- Armature, Shape Keys translated
- Eye Tracking created
- Visemes created
- Materials atlased to one slot
This avatar is Quest Compatible. This avatar will achieve a "poor" rating on Quest, which is still shown by default and doesn't need to be manually shown, as opposed to "very poor". The avatar achieves an "excellent" rating on PC.
I've included some facial gesture animations that I made pretty quickly. You're free to use them if you'd like:
- [FingerPoint] Shock
- [Fist] Angry
- [HandGun] Wink
- [RockNRoll] Sad
- [ThumbsUp] Happy
- [Victory] Beaming (Smile)
There's also an animation override controller already set up; it should already be applied to the VRC Avatar Descriptor.
Setup for Use:
- For PC, it is recommended you use a custom shader, such as Poiyomi Pro or Silent's Cel Shader, to get the best results. As the avatar uses a single atlased material, you won't be able to do anything too crazy with it, but it'll run beautifully in crowds. Dynamic Bone isn't set up with this avatar but it wouldn't be too hard to get working, I'd imagine.
- For Quest, I personally recommend using either Mobile > ToonLit, or Mobile > Diffuse. I prefer the look that ToonLit gives, but some people don't like the flat-shading look, so it's up to your own personal preference.

Assets (12 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Chii Aruel/Chii Aruel (Advancement).unity
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Prefabs/Chii Aruel - Advancement.prefab
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Textures/atlas.png
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/[RockNRoll] Sad.anim
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/[FingerPoint] Shock.anim
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/[HandGun] Wink.anim
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/Animations.overrideController
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/[ThumbsUp] Happy.anim
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/[Victory] Beaming.anim
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Animations/[Fist] Angry.anim
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Materials/Atlas.mat
/Assets/Chii Aruel/Model/chii_aruel_advancement_quest_ready.fbx

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Relamel 1624480436 ago

Good to know my content is being used.

Kazuchi 1713258882 ago

would i be able to get her jacket and Skirt?

A-plou 1623165111 ago

impressive, I always wanted to see Soulworker character on VRChat, Chii and Ephnel is actually both favorite character

ZACK010 1622817961 ago

$...€...X.......... :)

SNERPOFSTEEL 1622766703 ago



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