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5 Posts & Comments

Goteer 1595854352

A bit late but after you import it into unity the loose files are available in your project's assets folder. The texture and the fbx are in there.

Goteer 1590675193

Congratz, you found this old thing of mine! I was real bad at UVmaps, so the texture looks almost corrupted. That's just how the texture is. I STRONGLY SUGGEST you paint on the model itself (ie blender's texture painting), rather than editing the 2d image.

Goteer 1565187433

@Prinnygod I could give it a shot, though don't expect great quality because I'm not used to neither drawing nor sculpting anything with scales (I would essentially make a cartoonish argonian and add blendshapes for other stuff). Any suggestions on optional parts, like fins and horns?

Goteer 1564634686

Will use in future avatars, thanks!

Goteer 1559777625

@tre2012 It uses the standard unity shader and default particles, so no requirements! You can always use your own shaders, since the animation is just a couple flat surfaces going back and forth instead of texture swapping. Uses three separate materials so you can change the colors as you see fit, so you can even use different shaders for the screen and the body