
Member for 1517934030

4 Posts & Comments

NotK9 1518060974

nice upload, but im new to unity and avatars. Am i supposed to set something in unity to show the bones? because all i see is the pizza without the bones

NotK9 1518021012

Great avatar! Hopefully there's an animation out there of him removing his weights and then add Guile's theme and it would be golden.

NotK9 1517973552

Yep, the settings for the lip sync were reset, I had to change it to what you said and change the face mesh to MagikarpM and add the rest of the visemes. After that it worked. Thanks for the great model!!!

NotK9 1517934354

Great model! But i seem to have a problem, when I went to a mirror and tried to see if the mouth works my magikarp's mouth didnt move. it was just open. any idea why?