Purple Destroyer

Member for 1516209841

16 Posts & Comments

Purple Destroyer 1563986442

I managed to shove the FBX into Blender and used CATS to merge any textures that used the same material. but that meant that i lost all dynamic bones,

Purple Destroyer 1563979890

Becouse im a shorty, i happen to be the perfect proportions for full body.but that aint my problem. its the fact that there are Quite a few unused textures and since the unity material slots limit is 32, i have space for exactly 2 materials. Which makes complex things beyond animations, very tricky.

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Purple Destroyer 1560549639

so its like cubed on steroids and with more customisation

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Purple Destroyer 1560446811

so What does this shader do?

Purple Destroyer 1560373236

Just sayingmost models require Cubed, get it before even if the model says otherwise, becouse if the model doesnt use cubed,
Just put cubed on the model anyways 9/10 times it makes it better.

Purple Destroyer 1558548871

Dont care if its stolen, its a default dancing particle.

Purple Destroyer 1546727646

So how to use,there should be a prefab called GUN3 inside it, that has all the particles and music ect inside it.
you need to then make an animation that enables it and use that to overwrite the hand gesture of your choice.

Easier done than said in my opinion
Also unity shows particles as all a basic particle until you simulate them by selecting them and pressing play

Purple Destroyer 1546523831

This model is also pretty much perfect proportions for Full Body as welland also since there isn't anything else, it is easy for me to mess around with.

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Purple Destroyer 1546523366

im kinda of amazed to find such an obscure game here we need more of this game

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Purple Destroyer 1545929860

So how bout i state a very simple fact to the pervs who may use this. you cant share it ingame, you can only use it in private worlds where everybody is aware of this fact or else vrchat might hate us

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Purple Destroyer 1545929380

Lol thought id mension you can get banned if you use these in a public world

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Purple Destroyer 1519662119

How do you make a Roblox avatar into a VRchat avatar?

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Purple Destroyer 1518376262

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxSezH13vAIThis helped me.

Purple Destroyer 1518288980

Also, how do you make it so overwriting a gesture makes a knife appear? I know how to overwrite a gesture, but that is all I know.

Purple Destroyer 1518287088

If you have the time, may you make a Yandere-Kun Avatar?