
Member for 1587231003

6 Posts & Comments

Alfie 1588355174

I would've loved it if you hadn't pointed that out to me.

Alfie 1587325317

Never mind, I figured it out, lol. But thank you for trying to help me anyways. :)

Alfie 1587322288

Nope, I just imported it the exact way I was supposed to. I didn't alter anything either. And no, there's no button for the cape or anything.

Alfie 1587279391

He has no cape or symbol, they're in unity, but just won't show up as actual things, just blue boxes that cannot be used. Same goes for his satchels. If I'm doing something wrong, I'd really appreciate some help from anyone who can offer it.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Alfie 1587231502

It says it's missing some sort of prefab. I tried to open it in unity, but nothing showed up, it just says it's missing a prefab.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Alfie 1587231044

This is AWESOME. Do you think you'll make anymore superheroes in this style?