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3 Posts & Comments

Fikalosei 1527562602

Deleted my previous comment as apparently the developers don't care about that. But still. Was referring to whether or not the OP meant the massive behemoths made using the modified SDK, or giants made using the stock (untainted, unmodded, etc) sdk.

Fikalosei 1527458633

Just a bit of curiosity. Do you mean over sized avatars as in the ones that clearly violate VR chats rules? (The ones made with a modded SDK that lag or even crash people). Or also giant ones made within VR chats stock SDK limits? (No hacks or mods. Just sticking within the proper untainted VR chat SDKs limits).

Fikalosei 1526185335

27k polygons for this? I've seen more complex avatars/models with 19k and below. O.o Sorry just surprised.