
Member for 1518201662

5 Posts & Comments

Gadredz 1548181435

Idk how to fix this but whenever i'm in full body and using the playspace mover stuff..... If i raise my playspace any higher than default she seems to bend forward to the point where i cant see anything but her back

Gadredz 1539716671

@lemonbread look in the main Asset folder for some reason the scene goes there

Gadredz 1520109520

May I ask about the process of changing the colors of everything like you did? Like how did you change it from a black / purple to a black / blue? Other than that its a great Model. TY

Gadredz 1518984450

i think this is the best model ever lol

Gadredz 1518202252

I'm having trouble following the READ ME instructions, what i have so far is i need to replace the VRC_SdkcontrolPanel Import Settings folder inside of Assets > VRCSDK > Dependencies > VRCHAT > Editor. I dont understand what to do next in the READ ME it says theres a file called open me but i dont know where this is