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8 Posts & Comments

TheDragonScion 1527889992

BTW, I think an alternate skin was found for Blade Nia and I already made a VRchat model, I can give you the unity files if you want them. I will probably extract the files myself to confirm if it is in the game, but the skin looks awesome in my opinion.

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TheDragonScion 1527888625

How did you get the eye tracking working? I am trying to find an easier method

TheDragonScion 1526251496

@DEXCAR Are you using the same project or do you start a new project every time?

TheDragonScion 1526010331

Just realized while playing XC2, that most characters including Nia don't actually move their eyes, so it would be almost impossible to get the eyes to move with the skeleton used in game

TheDragonScion 1525971520

Unfortunately, the models eyes were made using 3ds max and blender has trouble trying to find the shape keys made by 3ds max. From what I cna tell, the fbx file lost alot of polygons including shape keys since the raw file 122k faces, while the fbx only has 22k. The best solution I found was to make the eyes 3d by adding a sphere and textures, then parenting it to the head. I know that when I got the model from vgresource, the guy who dumped it also made the pyra model and he added the 3d eyes to it. Hopefully someone will come up with an easier method.

TheDragonScion 1525841679

What are you using to make the models?

TheDragonScion 1525816084

The left hand does bend back, but I noticed this when the dump got released so I believe it is actually part of the model.

TheDragonScion 1525815177

Thanks, I finally got the eye movements working after about a week of editing when the model got released, but the mouth shape keys were way to difficult for me. Great job on the animations btw. Now to work on particle effects for the sword. Best Blade ever