
Member for 1588370533

8 Posts & Comments

monsterbwoi 1599471463

did this guy just upload a default particle system and call it his own? also, how does it take "a couple of days" to right click in the hierarchy, press effects, particle system

monsterbwoi 1597430001

300k polygons in total... that's more that the legend of zelda ocerina of time in it's entirety

monsterbwoi 1595344065

is it really that hard to do it yourself? all you have to do is use a few animators

monsterbwoi 1593263140

wait, this is just the default unity particle system (or at least, that's all that loads)

monsterbwoi 1591231552

how do i add this to an avatar? is it made to work with one in specific? sorry, i'm new to doing this

monsterbwoi 1591141737

ah, this reminds me of wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can read and edit

monsterbwoi 1588370592

hey, i'm not able to open the file in unity, so if someone could add me (username: monsterbwoi) and let me copy the avatar, it would be much appreciated. thanks