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WL_Mask Screenshot WL_Mask Screenshot WL_Mask Screenshot

14.4K Total Downloads

334.8K Total Views

Asset Type Clothing and Accessories

File Type Unity Package


Mask with simple "Audio visualizer" visemes you can slap on your avatar's face.
It should work the same when scaled so it can probably be used on any head shape.

Edited out of this:

How to setup.
1. Place wherever you want it to be on your avatar.
2. Drag & Drop WL_Mask Body to the Viseme Blend Shape in the Avatar Descriptor (See image 2)

Polygons: 1996
Materials: 2 for the mask and the visemes, you can change it to look however you want.

Dont worry about the line being visible in unity, it's hidden in game with vrc.v_sil when you dont talk.

Assets (1 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Aoji/Aoji - WL_Mask.fbx

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Anima Nox 1589808998 ago

How do I put this mask on my avatar's face? I know I have to make it link to a bone, but IDK how.

Zanic 840 1572622844 ago


t5467 1629817841 ago

@Aoji just wanted to know how you did the "Audio visualizer" either by manually setting up the individuals vismemes and renaming them to vrc defaults or if you used any shader/program to set up the visualizer?

Aoji Author 1552106287 ago

@mozzarellalaIt is just Standard shader with carbon fiber texture you can find from google, Metallic and Smoothness set to 1, i dont know how good Standard shader looks in VRChat but maybe you can try for it. Visemes are Unlit.

mozzarellala 1552105625 ago

Gotcha, thanks. Can you upload a screenshot of the shaders used in the first picture? I like the look of it and want to try and recreate that shader

Aoji Author 1552104975 ago

@mozzarellalaYou can change the materials yourself to whatever you want, i didn't include any in the unity package.
Just click the "body" of the mask and drag & drop whatever to mask and visemes material slots.

As for the "pulsing", i don't really know.

mozzarellala 1552102946 ago

colors on my import seems to be off. here's a screenshot to show what i mean, the materials in the import seem to have been messed up i suppose
this is what i looks like in game, the lines also seem to pulse into the face alot when i am playing music through a soundboard. any help with either these problems is appreciated

seabug 1550895511 ago


Dennileon1 1550865514 ago

@AojiThank you

Aoji Author 1550865163 ago

@Dennileon1Yes you can, you can change material on the mask and the visualization.

Dennileon1 1550863321 ago

Can i put a new material on it to change the shader on it or does that destroys the speaking visualization?

Aoji Author 1550862490 ago

@starlifestyle See image 2

starlifestyle 1550857289 ago

good but how to put wl?

TeddyXD 1550855831 ago


zanda 1550854409 ago



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