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Swagguy47's Titanfall Assets Screenshot Swagguy47's Titanfall Assets Screenshot Swagguy47's Titanfall Assets Screenshot Swagguy47's Titanfall Assets Screenshot Swagguy47's Titanfall Assets Screenshot Swagguy47's Titanfall Assets Screenshot

815 Total Downloads

21.3K Total Views

Asset Type Models and Props

File Type Unity Package


(This file only contains a text document with a link to the rest of the assets which are hosted on Google Drive)
This resource contains a load of assets I've ripped from Titanfall 1 & Titanfall 2, including models, sounds and textures.

I've also written a good amount of documentation and created some visuals to help new and experienced avatar creators alike with creating Titanfall avatars.
I've also included three example avatars (As UnityPackages) to look over yourself and get a grip on things. They are:
Example Pilot Avatar
Example Titan Avatar
Example Quest Fallback Avatar
(All created in SDK2)

I'm excited to see what everyone is able to make with these, best of luck on your future projects pilot!

Assets (7 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/VRCMODS/0xadcbfd4c52f61cbd 1.png

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RandomKnight 1625546265 ago

ive seen your world there is some good shit

AFSwan 1653182983 ago

Hey, does anyone know where the female pulse blade pilot model would be? It's missing in the Titanfall 2/Models/Characters/Multiplayer Pilots folder

cupochi 1645448120 ago

great stuff the Titanfall franchise has bun one of my favorite to play through so thx for making it so we as the vrc community can us this :)


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