
Member for 1576717145

10 Posts & Comments

incognito_mewtwo 1577586028

I figured out the eye issue. Go to body > in the inspector select blendshapes in skinned mesh render > scroll down to hollow eyes and set value to 100

incognito_mewtwo 1577307080

The super run mode goes backwards, not sure if that's intentional and also dont know how to fix

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incognito_mewtwo 1577169170

However idk where to get the right sdk. One that wouldnt lead to account being stolen/banned/etc

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incognito_mewtwo 1577169136

I have it favorited from someone else which works, but I want to upload as my own

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incognito_mewtwo 1577169113

How do I find the modded sdk for this? I cant upload with the normal one

incognito_mewtwo 1577159171

you cant get banned for having something not visible, underneath the model, and has no way to become visible through gestures or emotes etc. all these snowflakes need to calm down

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incognito_mewtwo 1577070438

This download does not come with no-pan, full nude, or heart eye gestures. The textures are all there, but the gestures need to be done manually.

incognito_mewtwo 1576791033

when trying to publish this model I get a LOT of compiler errors. I'm not 100% sure how to fix all of them but I tried my best and still didn't work.