
Member for 1551637526

4 Posts & Comments

LazyScorp 1580012465

Sounds good to me, I do find the angry anime kids in the comments funny though...

LazyScorp 1570508107

Just wondering if this one has the tearing in the armpit area if you raise your arms like the one I already have?

LazyScorp 1551703633

Just for anyone else that might have that viseme issue, it just means you have to select the Body as the target mesh/area for the visemes in the inspector/avatar descriptor.

LazyScorp 1551637743

I seem to be missing something on these...It says blades, but there are no blades, lights etc, just handles and sounds on all of the ones I tried to download including this one. One of them came with a particle dissolve shader folder with a bunch of things, but nothing saber related. What am I missing here?