
Member for 1532302190

20 Posts & Comments

Commented on unknown content 😴
Maebbie 1596401325


Maebbie 1590178718

1 + 1 = 69 ! GET iTTT?????

Replied to a comment on unknown content 😴
Maebbie 1582382268

ok boomer

Maebbie 1579531487

my man with exceptional taste in worlds

Maebbie 1577505591

this is the finalized version of the page you have seen earlier. You need to make a new upload to update files, you can find the comments of that now deleted page here:

Maebbie 1577002134

no dynamic bones?

Replied to a comment on unknown content 😴
Maebbie 1576859272


Maebbie 1562791514

I have tested some shaders before and ran into issues with custom shaders not working or in the case of this problem having geometry be visible while inside an inverted sphere with a skybox shader. So I guess you could build something similar with a panorama picture and skyboxshader if you place it outside the cameras far clip plane.
The cubemap looks just as good as the panorama, you need to make sure it is reasonably large though so that moving your head left and right wont start distorting things.

Maebbie 1562603994

Using a custom shader will not work on the Quest and by using the skybox/cubemap shader you run into issues with the Render Queue since you cannot manually overide it in VRChat. You were able to see the geometry through the box with the skybox you were in. This solution is very simple and likely futureproof as well.

Maebbie 1534280169

Is it still only visible to friends?

Maebbie 1534168499

after you doubleclicked your scene file check the hierarchy and drag the Trail position to the end of the left finger: click on the trail position again and set the Position coordinates as follows on the right side of the window in the inspector tab:X: 0 | Y: 0.0001960024 | Z: 1.399791e-05

Maebbie 1534047236

I just downloaded and reimported the package again myself to test and see, its all working perfectly. Try making a new unity project from scratch, import the VRCSDK, cubed shaders and dynamic bones (if you have that). Then after you have done that import this package and look for the Mayu19k Scene file with the Unity logo ( ) and doubleclick it. Check if the Model in the new Scene (Hierachy -> Mayu19k -> Mayu19k) has a VRC_Avatar_Descriptor (see on the right in the inspector tab). If not add it by clicking "Add Component" and searching for VRC_Avatar_Descriptor. Then set the following values: as said, making a fresh project and following the instructions closely should be all you need. It may also be just Unity bugging out.

Maebbie 1533661627

I have run a test and let some friends try it, it all went well for them. Try making a new unity project from scratch, import the VRCSDK, cubed shaders and dynamic bones (if you have that). Then after you have done this import this package and look for the Mayu Scene file with the Unity logo ( ) and doubleclick it. These are the steps I have done to test the package.

Maebbie 1533595198

amazing, we have peaked

Maebbie 1533504582

Thank you, I will use it to anker my boat to a pole.

Maebbie 1533268966

Damn, that's lit

Maebbie 1533235780

There is none. You can check out the Video on Youtube though, which showcases the Avatar ingame: you are looking for the MMD Model itself, just google for "Mayu Saboten"