
Member for 1518578347

18 Posts & Comments

PlusMinus 1534142759

The textures are in 4K, but compressed. Depending on your hard drive speed, unity is applying the compression settings on import.

PlusMinus 1528682660

Detach the blueprint ID from the avatar descriptor. I never bothered to update this file to remove that issue.

Commented on unknown content 😴
PlusMinus 1526767981

The hoppu face probably, however, the armor parts and textures were made from scratch.

Commented on unknown content 😴
PlusMinus 1526714700

Yep, the original 3D artist was right about this avatar being ripped from VRChat.

PlusMinus 1523992659

An update will be made on extending the geometry around the waist area of blender's jump suit. Geometry holes were spotted when performing extreme deformations such as doing yoga animations or bending down.

PlusMinus 1523570770

Did you add an avatar descriptor on Unity? All you need to do is add that component.

PlusMinus 1523557652

I already re-uploaded the sweet roll model, I have no issues with uploading to vrchat. Just delete the old Sweet Roll folder and the prefab on your scene.

PlusMinus 1523517901

I'll make sure to double check next time to detach the blueprint id whenever I upload more avatars.

PlusMinus 1523517828

Detach the blueprint id from the descriptor and try again.

PlusMinus 1523478339

Watch the tutorial on how to upload an avatar with the sdk.

PlusMinus 1523317981

For those who use VR, let me know if you notice any rigging issues on the avatar.

Commented on unknown content 😴
PlusMinus 1523130196

Oh wow, distributing a 20 dollar asset for free. Careful though.

PlusMinus 1519771246

DarkArrow, no issues after uploading this package. it is on your end. make sure you deleted all old vrsdk files before downloading the new sdk

PlusMinus 1519770514

DarkArrow, I will replicate this issue by downloading this package and upload it on a new project with newest vrsdk. then i will upload it.

PlusMinus 1519499090

ZozoDaDemon, you might want to check if your vrcsdk is updated correctly, they stated to delete the old vrcsdk folder in unity and import the new one. I created a new unity project and imported the ramen package, no issues after uploading and watching people swim in me.

PlusMinus 1519498211

thank you for the feedback TheDabzHouse, I understand you do not like free ramen. have a nice day paying for food.

PlusMinus 1519497748

thank you for the feedback ZozoDaDemon, I will try to replicate the issue, keep in mind, people were experiencing sdk problems on the newest update.

PlusMinus 1518617380

Same issue, left eye does not blink. Just confirming. +_-