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Kishou Arima Screenshot

1.6K Total Downloads

38.5K Total Views

Asset Type VRChat Avatars

File Type Unity Package


Arima was a tall, well-built man with snow white hair and gray eyes. He always wore a pair of thin-framed glasses and a calm apathetic expression. He always dressed in a professional suit and tie, adding the pure white coat that acted as the S3 Squad uniform during operations.

During his youth, Arima had dark blue hair and was much shorter in height. While attending Seishin High School, he wore the standard school uniform. He carried a guitar case with him at all time to conceal his quinque, Yukimura 1/3, as opposed to the standard quinque case.

Assets (11 files inside Unity Package)

/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Shaders/Flat Lit Toon.shader
/Assets/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Editor/FlatLitToonInspector.cs

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NikitoUmata 1538437831 ago

Can you do another kaneki character

paranormal 1536958227 ago

@TengenHorder the whole avatar needs dynamic bones, and face visemes. Found that out the hard way.

underhan9900 Author 1532857286 ago

you should use cube shaders this is why its pink , pink means error you should add cubeunityshaders

darcVortexx 1532821322 ago

Why are his shaders just pink for me

TengenHorder 1532192546 ago

the coat needs dynamic bones

underhan9900 Author 1530032191 ago

this is not from sketchfab I ripped out from a game


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