Original file:
https://www.deviantart.com/chaotixninjax/art/Eren-Yeager-XPS-download-682216867 (you may have noticed I removed the jacket, it was not properly placed and clipping through the shirt and body and i'm not sure how to fix that, rip)
Because season 3 of AoT was released, i thought to celebrate i'd upload some AoT characters!
First here's our main boi, Eren Yaeger/Jaeger (more characters soon)
He's about 52-3k polygons, I might try to decimate him but for now you'll need a modded SDK
(If you're interrested you could also try to decimate it yourself, i included the original xps file to open in blender)
Modded SDK:
https://github.com/Phnky/sdk-mod (instructions on how to use it is in the readme file.
Follow this tutorial if you need help with download:
https://imgur.com/gallery/zCQAHOX If you already have SDK folder inside your unity project, swap it with the modded one while Unity is closed (SDK is in the project -> assets folder
Cubed Shaders needed:
https://github.com/cubedparadox/Cubeds-Unity-Shaders/releases Import shaders into Unity before importing the Avatar
PS: his mouth may be slighty open once uploaded, but i'll upload the avatar anyway and I'll update the avatar if I'm able to fix it.
Edit: If you get a half-visible model, change Eren's materials from transparent to opaque. thanks to @Mr. El and @undrehan9900 for informing me
Any problems? message me on discord: Eagle#4191
Assets (38 files inside Unity Package)
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0698_4.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0698_14.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/tSurvey_bump.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Eren Override.overrideController
/Assets/Eren Yeager/clothes_bump.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/bumpmap_flat.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0698_13.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/xps.xps
/Assets/Eren Yeager/survey.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Eren 53k.fbx
/Assets/Eren Yeager/clothes.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Hair_spc.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Eren Yaeger.unity
/Assets/Eren Yeager/highlight.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0698_11.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0950_10.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/lightmap_white.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0950_7.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0698_1.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0950_9.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/clothes_spec.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Survey_spc.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/0698_3.png
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Running_Man_Slav.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/DeathLonger.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Flair Complete 1.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Dab.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Orange Justice.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Emote_Dance_Shoot_CMF.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Dance Moves.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/Emote_Breakdance_Female.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Animations/0_to_100.anim
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Materials/0698_1.mat
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Materials/survey.mat
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Materials/0950_7.mat
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Materials/0698_11.mat
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Materials/clothes.mat
/Assets/Eren Yeager/Materials/highlight.mat